Group of Ukraine and Dutch dairy farmers in USA.
On May 26th we travelled to Chicago in The Mid-West of the United States of America. From there we have started our farm-tour to visit up to 18 interesting dairy farms, with a group of 17 persons. The group existed of 11 entrepreneurs in the dairy industry from Ukraine and 6 from The Netherlands, where the well-experienced interpreter, Yaroslav Pankiv, has done a magnificent job to translate all detailed information for the Ukraine group.
Visited farms varied a lot in herd size, size of cultivable land, milking system and housing of cows. But the similarity of all these herds is in the notable passion for the profession of being a dairy farmer. Even despite the difficult economical circumstances over the recent years, due to low milk prices and trade barriers. There was a passion and motivation for producing high-quality food by milking cows and growing crops in a sustainable, healthy and efficient way with in most cases high quality dairy cows. So, each visited farm therefore was impressive that way, and everywhere you could find interesting aspects to think about and take home…
Would you like to yoin next time? Let us know.
Kind regards,
Huub Peek
+31 6 26 098 998